Flower power – container style

Flower containers are a great way to add a pop of colour to your garden, patio or door step. Are you looking for something different to fill your containers with this summer? Exploring the possibilities beyond the plain pelargonium is definitely worth it.

Flower containers are a great way to add a pop of colour to your garden, patio or door step. Are you looking for something different to fill your containers with this summer? Exploring the possibilities beyond the plain pelargonium is definitely worth it.

When designing your containers, think not only about the blooming times, but also about the structure, growth habits, eventual shape and height of your plants. A tried-and-tested method is to choose three types of plants: a “thriller” plant as a focal point, a “spiller” that cascades over the pot and a “filler” to fill the space between the other plants. Choose plants that have similar moisture needs and thrive in similar growth conditions.

We’ve created two different containers: one for a sunny location and the other for the shade.

The shade container was designed following the thriller-spiller-filler method. The stars of the show are the tall blue aquilegia accompanied by a variegated hosta. The baby’s-breath euphorbia was chosen to add richness as it cascades over the edges of the pot. Finally, we added the heliotrope to fill up the spaces in-between.

For the sun-loving container we chose New Zealand leatherleaf sedge to bring the arrangement an organic texture, orange dahlia and red pelargonium for their vibrant colours, and last but not least, a dark leaved ipomoea to add drama.

Make sure that the chosen container is large enough. The bigger the container, the less frequently you need to water. It’s also important that the container has a hole in the bottom to allow the excess water to drain away.

When planting your flower container, first add some potting gravel to the bottom as drainage. Next, fill the container half-way with high-quality potting compost containing plenty of nutrients. Then it’s time to gently arrange the plants into the container in your preferred formation. Add some potting mix around your plants as a finish and water the container thoroughly.

Now you’re ready to enjoy the blossom! Just remember to water your plants according to need and add fertiliser to the water about once a week.