Funny Face Magnet Gift Boxes

by Handmade Charlotte

Funny Face Magnet Gift Wrap is simple to make and quite literally gives each gift magnetic personality.

Magnetic Gift Boxes

Funny Face Printable

Creating this clever cast of characters is a cinch usingFiskars Amplify® Mixed Media Shears. With just a few snips, you can make a mustached man of mystery, give glasses to a toothy grin, or add that specialje ne sais quoito a rosy-cheeked french girl. The stainless steel shears easily cut through even the most adventurous and heavyweight materials, like magnet, and give complete control over each and every shape you make.

To make things even cooler – the gifts are disguises in and of themselves. A layer of wrapping paper covers the magnetic sheets underneath, making it a fun surprise when your kids discover that the boxes are toys, too! The box top and base are wrapped separately, so when it's finally time to open presents, the gift wrap will remain intact. Kids can mix and match accessories and facial features to create countless combinations of characters.

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1. Cut the magnet sheets with your Amplify® Mixed Media Shears to fit each side of your gift box. Peel back the adhesive backing and stick the magnet on the box.

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2. Once the box is covered in magnets, wrap the gift box with wrapping paper. We wrapped the box top in one color, and the base of the box in a different color. This way, after our kids open their presents the wrapping paper will remain intact.

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3. To create a collection of magnetic face pieces, download and print the Funny Face Printable. Cut out the shapes and trace them onto your wrapping paper. Apply another magnetic sheet to the back of the wrapping paper and cut out the shape with your mixed media shears.

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4. To make good use of your scrap wrapping paper, use your Gift Wrap Cutter to create ribbon confetti to stuff in your gift box with the present.

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