Back to School Command Center

by Smitha Katti

Create cute cubbies to help your kids stay organized this back to school season! There will be no more lost keys, missing homework or morning chaos when your family can find all of the little things that go "missing" before heading to work and school.

Command Center for Kids

Back to school time is the perfect time to get organized and establish an area in your home as command central. It can be a one-stop shop for kids to drop their backpacks off, file away field trip request forms and find reminders for the next day. With a few Fiskars tools and some creativity, you can decorate baskets and cubes to make an attractive and organized space.

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Creating Labels for Baskets

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1. Using the Amplify® Mixed Media Shears, cut rectangles out of corrugated paper. The size will depend on the size of your baskets and your personal preference.

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2. Using the Circle Thick Materials Punch, punch shapes from a fiber paper. These punches can punch through thick and tough craft supplies, so you can get creative with materials such as balsa wood, foam and chipboard. You can also punch circles out of photo paper and use your kids' pictures as your labels.

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3. Adhere a punched circle onto the rectangle and add an initial with a sticker or your own handwriting. Attach this label onto metal bins with a binder clip. If you don't have any clips handy, tie with string or use clothespins.

Creating Tag for Mail Tray

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1. Insert a cork sheet into the Tag Thick Materials punch, and press to punch.

2. To create the tag label, cut a small, rectangle piece of paper and write 'MAIL' on it.

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3. Affix your finished label tag to the tray with a decorative mini clothespin.

Getting organized doesn't always mean you have to purchase more furniture or buy more containers. Think creatively, and find ways to upcycle things in your home that you already own. It could be storage containers that are no longer being used, shoeboxes that are in the back of the closet, or even baking dishes. Your kids may even enjoy the act of organizing, especially when they have their own bins to manage!