Simple Sewing: Pillowcases

by Tania Willis

It's National Sewing Month, and what better time than now to set aside time to sew up a simple set of pillowcases customizes for your personal aesthetic?

Handmade Pillowcases

This project sews up rather quickly and is a gratifying one since you are able to use your skills to create something useful for your home.

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First thing you'll want to do, as best as you can, is iron all wrinkles from your cuts of fabric. Then, fold your ¾ yard cut of fabric in half matching the selvages (uncut edges). Lay your folded fabric on your cutting mat and use the Rotary Ruler to trim your fabric to 26 ½". Without moving your fabric, lift and turn the Rotary Ruler 90 degrees to trim the selvage edges (not the folded edge) so your measurement is 22" leaving you with a piece of fabric measuring 26 ½" x 44" (Fabric A) once you open it from the fold.

Fold the ¼ yard cut of fabric in half matching the selvages. Lay your folded fabric on your cutting mat and use the Rotary Ruler to trim your fabric to 8 ½". Follow the same step as above to cut the opposite direction at 22" in length leaving your with a piece of fabric measuring 8 ½" x 44" (Fabric B).

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Open the fold and fold the ¼ yard cut of fabric in half lengthwise this time, matching the cut edges. Iron down the length of the fabric, creasing the fold. This leaves you with a 4 ¼" x 44" strip of Fabric B (aka: the pillow cuff).

Lay the raw edges of Fabric B against the right side of one long edge of Fabric A. Sew them together using a ¼" seam allowance and making sure to lock your stitch at both the beginning and the end. If you are using a sewing machine instead of a Serger, use a zig-zag stitch along that same stitching, inside the seam allowance, to give a finished edge. The helps keep the fraying of the fabric to a minimum during washing.

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Iron the seam toward Fabric A.

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Then, take it back to your sewing machine and topstitch 1/8" away from the main seam using a coordinating thread. Topstitching is a straight stitch that runs very close and parallel to a seam on the right side (aka: top) of your fabric.

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Next, fold right sides of fabric together and pin the seam where the Fabric B meets Fabric A to make sure the seam is even once stitched. Sew down the entire length of the raw edge with a ¼" seam allowance and make sure to lock your stitch at both the beginning and the end.

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Be sure to remember to zig-zag stitch (or use a Serger) along the entire edge. After zig-zag stitching the long side of the pillowcase, stitch the end of Fabric A closed with a ¼" seam allowance, locking your stitch at both the beginning and the end. Then, finish the raw edge with a zig-zag stitch as well.

Turn your fabric inside out and push out the corners for a crisp point. Wash your pillowcase before slipping it onto your favorite pillow. This case will fit up to a Queen-sized pillow form.